766 issues

(20th May 1950 - 23rd Jan 1965)

School Friend was a comic aimed at school girls and  consisted of picture and text based stories with emphasis on the picture stories. It was published by  Amalgamated Press before being taken over and published under Fleetway Publications in 1959.

Note that their was an earlier publication of the same name called The School Friend, which was a  story paper published between 1919 and 1929, and although published by the same company was not related in content.


School Friend merged with Girl's Crystal in 1963 to become School Friend and Girl's Crystal and in 1965 merged with June to become June and School Friend.


School Friend Birthday Club Badge

YEARS - 1950s

Year - 1950 (empty)

Year - 1951 (empty)

Year - 1952 (empty)

Year - 1953 (empty)

Year - 1954 (empty)

Year - 1955 (empty)

Year - 1956 (empty)

Year - 1957 (49)

Year - 1958 (empty)

Year - 1959 (empty

YEARS - 1960s

Year - 1960 (empty)

Year - 1961 (empty)

Year - 1962 (empty)

Year - 1963 (empty)

Year - 1964 (empty)

Year - 1965 (empty)