1855 issues

(4th March 1922) to (14th Jan 1961)


The Rover was a boys story paper published by DC Thomson


The Rover then mereged with Adventure renaming to 'Rover and Adventure' having its first issue on (21st Jan 1961) which ran for 142 issues.

This reverted back to The Rover (12th Oct 1963) and then merged with the Wizard in issue #148 (16th Nov 1963).


The Rover & Wizard was printed (23rd Nov 1963) which reverted back to The Rover on issue#148 (16th Aug 1969), this ran until issue #626 on (13th Jan 1973).

The ROVER... (4th March 1922) - (14th Jan 1961)

YEARS - 1920s

Year - 1922 (empty)

Year - 1923 (empty)

Year - 1924 (empty)

Year - 1925 (empty)

Year - 1926 - (6x logged)

Year - 1927 (empty)

Year - 1928 (empty)

Year - 1929 (empty)

YEARS - 1930s

Year - 1930 (empty)

Year - 1931 - (1x logged)

Year - 1932 (empty)

Year - 1933 (empty)

Year - 1934 (empty)

Year - 1935 (empty)

Year - 1936 (empty)

Year - 1937 - (6x logged)

Year - 1938 - (1x logged)

Year - 1939 (empty)

YEARS - 1940s

Year - 1940 (empty)

Year - 1941 (empty)

Year - 1942 (empty)

Year - 1943 - (1x logged)

Year - 1944 - (1x logged)

Year - 1945 - (2x logged)

Year - 1946 - (1x logged)

Year - 1947 (empty)

Year - 1948 - (1x logged)

Year - 1949 (empty)

YEARS - 1950s

Year - 1950 (empty)

Year - 1951 (empty)

Year - 1952 - (full year logged - issues #1384 - #1435)

Year - 1953 (empty)

Year - 1954 (empty)

Year - 1955 (empty)

Year - 1956 - (full year logged - issues #1593 - #1644)

Year - 1957 (empty)

Year - 1958 (empty)

Year - 1959 (empty)

YEARS - 1960s

Year - 1960 (empty)

Year - 1961 (empty)

The Rover and Adventure (21st Jan 1961) - (5th Oct 1963)

YEAR - 1961 issues...

YEAR - 1962 issues...

YEAR - 1963 issues...

The Rover - (12th  Oct- 16th Nov 1963)

YEAR - 1963 - (12th Oct 1963) - (16th Nov 1963)

  • issue #143 - (12th Oct 1963)
  • issue #144 - (19th Oct 1963)
  • issue #145 - (26th Oct 1963)
  • issue #146 - (2nd Nov 1963)
  • issue #147 - (9th Nov 1963)
  • issue #148 - (16th Nov 1963) - Wizard merges

The Rover & Wizard - (23rd Nov 1963) - (9th Aug 1969)

YEAR - 1963

  • issue #
  • issue #

YEAR - 1964

  • issue #
  • issue #
  • issue #

YEAR - 1965

  • issue #
  • issue #
  • issue #

YEAR - 1966

  • issue #
  • issue #
  • issue #

YEAR - 1967

  • issue #
  • issue #
  • issue #

YEAR - 1968

  • issue #
  • issue #
  • issue #

YEAR - 1969

  • issue #
  • issue #
  • issue #

The ROVER - (16th Aug 1969) - (13th Jan 1973)

YEAR - 1969

  • issue #
  • issue #
  • issue #

YEAR - 1970

  • issue #
  • issue #
  • issue #

YEAR - 1971

  • issue #
  • issue #
  • issue #

YEAR - 1972

  • issue #
  • issue #
  • issue #

YEAR - 1973

  • issue #
  • issue #
  • issue #626 - (13th Jan 1973) - final issue